Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sporting Traditions in the UK (8 form)

3b. Read the descriptions of sporting traditions in the UK. Match the texts with the pictures. Some of the customs or rules may seem strange but they have been around for hundreds of years. Get into groups of three. Each of you reads one of the texts and gets ready to speak about the following:

a. when the sport tradition began; b. where and when it is played; c. what the rules are.

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  British Traditions


Cheese Rolling


 Do you know sporting traditions in Belarus? Discuss with your class to collect ideas.

Firework safety (8 form)

Lesson 4
4a. Read the Firework Safety rules and say which of them are very important and less important. Which of the rules do you follow?

                              On which holidays and festivities are there fireworks and bonfires?

Merry making

Lesson 4
1a. Listen to one of the traditional rhymes which have accompanied the Bonfire night. When do people celebrate Bonfire Night? Why?

What are the words to Remember, Remember The Fifth of November?

There are many versions of the rhyme that have survived in different parts of England since the 17th century.
Most begin with the same or very similar words. This is the basic form:
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
After that there are very different verses that may be included. One goes:
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent
To blow up the King and the Parliament
Three score barrels of powder below
Poor old England to overthrow
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match
Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the King!
Guy Fawkes was an explosives expert drafted in by the plotters to light the fuse


            British Holidays - Guy Fawkes Day

2a. Read about the history and traditions of the Bonfire Night. What new information have you learnt as compared to the video and the rhyme?